rishabh gupta
3 min readMar 26, 2021

Table of Contents:

· What is Flutter ?

· Why Flutter!

· Language for Flutter

· Why Flutter 🤎 Dart ?

· Native App Conversion

· Widgets

.Let’s make your first flutter app :)

· Why Should you 🤎 Flutter

· Some Useful Links

What is Flutter ?

It is an Open source UI software development toolkit which is developed by Google .

It is a Framework which allows you to build native Cross palteform (Android ,IOS etc.) apps with single code base.

Single code base is then here natively compiled according to the plateform for which you are developing the App(Android, ios).

Why Flutter ?

  • As a developer if you want that your product should cover the maximum number of audience.
  • Cost effective.
  • Product of Google.
  • But my favorite is hot reload 😁 ; Hot reload implements the changes in your UI in a couple of seconds, without reloading the whole app again or messing with inputs and variables.
  • To know more about hot reload and hot restart .

Hot Reload:


  • It uses Dart language for development


  • A programming language which is developed by Google to Focused on Front-end(mobile,web,desktop etc.) User Interface(UI) development.
  • It is an Object Oriented and Strongly typed programming language.
  • And also it provides the feature of Type Inference.

Why Flutter 🤎 Dart ?

Native App Conversion

  • Flutter consists Flutter Framework and Flutter SDK(software development kit).
  • Flutter framework is full of Widgets (basic UI building blocks)library ,Utility functions etc.
  • Flutter SDK is having tools which is used for native compilation .


  • In flutter everything is widget.
  • Widget are basic UI building blocks(such as bricks are for a wall).
  • Some famous widgets are Container,Column,Scaffold etc
  • Widgets are just like Objects in java or python.
  • Implementation of most of the properties of one Widget Class is either a widget of same or other widget Class or simple object of other class.

Let’s make your first flutter app :

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';void main() => runApp(MyApp());class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {@overrideWidget build(BuildContext context) {return MaterialApp(home: Scaffold(body: Center(child: Container(decoration: BoxDecoration(border: Border.all(color: Colors.blue, width: 4),borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(8),),child: Text("Hello! I am Container Widget!!",style: TextStyle(fontSize: 15)), ),),),);}}

Copy above code and paste here then click Over Run Button to create your first flutter App ;)

Why should you 🤎 Flutter😁

In the latest Flutter Engage event Flutter2.0 is announced ;

.So flutter now support 6+Platforms (ios,android,web,windows,macOS,Linux,embedded);

.null safety confirmation.

·Flutter Web is now stable.

· Ubuntu Officially announced that Flutter will be their choice for future apps.

· Dual-Screens and Foldables revolution.

rishabh gupta
rishabh gupta

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